Sustainable Development Goals and the SDG Lab

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), otherwise known as the Global Goals, are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The Government of Armenia signed on to Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September 2015. The complexity and interconnectedness of SDGs require novel approaches, methodologies, strong data systems, and institutions that would have the capacity to provide ‘out of the box’ solutions that bring about transformative impact. This Armenia National SDG Innovation Lab is a pilot model for accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the country level, which, if successful can be replicated across the region and beyond.
What are the localised SDG targets and how do our projects accelerate the implementation of the Agenda 2030?
Check the links below.
SDG Monitor
SDG Monitor is a user-friendly, AI-powered, open-access interactive online data analytics tool for real-time SDG progress monitoring in Armenia.
The beta version of the SDG Monitor platform explores and monitors the progress towards achieving the targets and indicators of the SDGs, currently focusing on SDG 16 related to rule of law and access to justice to strengthen national capacities to deliver on SDG 16 as an umbrella for strong and inclusive institutions and accountable governance systems.
SDG Monitor platform couples data from conventional and non-conventional sources and offers a holistic and innovative approach to SDG progress monitoring in Armenia. The data is gathered from over 8 public institutions in Armenia and complemented with data from social media (Facebook) and official Government websites (E-Draft).
We have been closely working with UNDP's Oslo Governance Centre and learned from its SDG 16 monitoring initiative. To efficiently collect in-depth, country-level insights and measure progress on SDG 16, we have teamed up with Global Data Barometer as a National Hub.
The SDG Monitor platform was developed by the Armenia National SDG Innovation Lab team in cooperation with the UNDP's "Rule of Law and SDGs in Armenia Reform Agenda" project within the framework of "Innovative Solutions for SDG Implementation in Armenia" project funded by the RTFD and implemented in close partnership with the Government of Armenia.